17th and 18th of January 2018


Eine geheime Akademie, performance with madrigals by Michaelangelo Rossi and Sigismondo d'India, Allgemeine Lesegesellschaft Basel. In collaboration with the FAMB concert series. Domus Artis (vocal ensemble), Johannes Keller (arciorgano), Michael Kleine (staging). 


23rd of November 2017

Hor che la notte, performance with madrigals by Michaelangelo Rossi, Gare du Nord Basel. Opening concert for the Studio31 Symposium 2017. Domus Artis (vocal ensemble), Johannes Keller (arciorgano), Michael Kleine (staging).


27th of October 2017

Die saure süsse der 31-stufigen Oktave, concert with early baroque pieces using 31 pitches per octave in alteration with improvisations on the clavemusicum omnitonum and the arciorgano. bird's eye jazz club Basel. Pieces by Pietro della Valle, Gioanpietro del Buono, Galeazzo Sabbatini, Domenico Mazzocchi and Girolamo Frescobaldi. Hans Feigenwinter (clavemusicum omnitonum and arciorgano), Lina Lopez, Florencia Menconi, Ivo Haun, Breno Quinderé, Guglielmo Buonsanti (voices), Johannes Keller (arciorgano), Christoph Prendl (clavemusicum omnitonum), Vera Schnider (harp), Fred Uhlig (violone panarmonico). 


24th of October 2017

Fenster zur Musik I – Studien für arciorgano, concert with first performances for arciorgano and additional instruments. This concert was part of the Studio31 Symposium 2017 at the Musik-Akademie Basel. Pieces by Elnaz Seyedi, Adrian Nagel and Eleni Ralli. With Ana María Fonseca and Christoph Prendl (arciorgano), Maria Zubimendi (quartertone-accordion), Stephen Menotti (trombone). 

Fenster zur Musik II – Vieltönige Kammermusik, concert with music from the early 17th century using more than 12 pitches per octave. This concert was part of the Studio31 Symposium 2017 at the Musik-Akademie Basel. Pieces by Georg Muffat, Galeazzo Sabbatini, Giovanni Antonio Leoni, Marco Uccellini, Mihály Bulyovszky, Gioanpietro del Buono, Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel, Domenico Mazzocchi and Johann Jakob Froberger. With Alice Borciani (soprano), Ivo Haun (tenor), Breno Quinderé (baritone), Eva Saladin (violin), Brigitte Gasser (viola da gamba), Eva-Maria Hamberger and Johannes Keller (keyboard instruments). 

Fenster zur Musik III – Möglichkeiten der 31-stufigen Oktave, lecture-recital with music by Caspar Johannes Walter ("Elementare Akkordmechanik", 2017), Ivan Wyschnegradsky ("Etude Ultrachromatique", 1959), Nikolaus Matthes (excerpts from "Das goldene Vließ", 2016), and Improvisations by Hans Feigenwinter on the clavemusicum omnitonum. With Martyna Kazmierczak, Johannes Keller and Hans Feigenwinter (arciorgano and clavemusicum omnitonum). 


17th of September 2017

ceremony, Musik für 36 Instrumente aus 6 Jahrhunderten und 4 Gesangsstimmen, first performance of a piece written by Georg Friedrich Haas to be performed in the Kunstmuseum Basel. Commissioned by the Musik-Akademie Basel and the ZeitRäume festival Basel. Studio31 provided the arciorgano, clavemusicum omnitonum and a cimbalo cromatico. 


16th of May 2017

Leidenschaften, concert programme with pieces by Gesualdo, Gabrieli and Scheidt and "Das atmende Klarsein" by Luigi Nono. First performance of "Intermezzi" by Caspar Johannes Walter, for arciorgano, lirone and theorbo. With Schola Heidelberg (vocal ensemble), musical direction Walter Nussbaum. Johannes Keller (arciorgano), Simon Linné (theorbo), Brigitte Gasser (lirone and viola da gamba). The concert was recorded by SWR. 


For projects with enharmonic keyboard instruments that took place before 2017, please visit these blog posts.